Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sharing Dreams 2

As I fall asleep I replay our conversation about whether it is going to storm today. We're visiting my parents'. There's supposed to be a storm coming in. My parents are not at home. I look out the back door to see the storm clouds, but something is wrong. I can feel the terror before I see it. The trees in the farthest background are moving together with the storm clouds towards the left. It feels like circular motion. It's getting closer. Are we going to be surrounded by a swirling ground of doom, but the center is a sink hole? The circular movement reaches the house. The frame of the house moves in the circular away from the foundation. We're able to barely make it out the front door to watch the frame shift and kind of tilt off the foundation. The movement has stopped. It was like a weird earthquake. There's noise from somewhere, saying something about aliens. We carefully and trying to move quickly as there is a sense of haste, to gather some items to carry with us. Us. Me, my husband, and my baby. We've got to get as much as the baby's things as possible. I have Dad on the phone. He's saying "they" knew about this but didn't warn anyone. The phone signal cuts him off as he tried to tell me to call Mom. No signal. Looks like the weird weather got to the cell towers, too. We've been picked up by a shelter. It's a tall building that somehow survived the first "wave". My baby has been taken to the nursery as we were gathered into a large room with long tables and chairs. A lot of people chattering there. I open my phone, signal. I quickly text my mother of what happened. I hit send before signal is lost. I need to get my baby. I gather my backpack and tighten my sweater knot around my waste. Once at the nursery, I can't find him. All of these babies look like him. I'm panicking. I back up and look at the names on each plaque. I have to find him. My husband finds him, in the far corner with a sheet over his plaque and crib. Something about a weird disease is scribbled with a warning on his plaque. I hold him close and attempt to get him situated in his carrier. Careful not to…Careful don't do… these strange warnings that do not make sense. We make it out the loading dock of the building. A weird machine sits next to the door with flashy lights. A man is standing on the far side closest to the outside. The second wave is coming. A women from a foreign country has already experienced it. The building is going to tilt and spin, anti-gravity feels. It begins. The building feels like it is spinning sideways. We're trying to keep up with whatever side is "up". Then it's over. The outside as shifted to a different side then before. The machine reads "EMERGY". The man explains that another wave is expected. It's going to get cold. As we're fumbling around, trying to put on coats and sweaters, someone tries to steal our backpacks. My husband drops and breaks his phone. We move to the warmest possible spot, where the babies have been moved to. A lady told us new couples are not allowed here, we must move. The cold is getting closer. We leave the room, and see the guy that was outside. I motions to use that we must go back in side. Looking distressed at our baby. I wake up.

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