Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sharing Dreams 2

As I fall asleep I replay our conversation about whether it is going to storm today. We're visiting my parents'. There's supposed to be a storm coming in. My parents are not at home. I look out the back door to see the storm clouds, but something is wrong. I can feel the terror before I see it. The trees in the farthest background are moving together with the storm clouds towards the left. It feels like circular motion. It's getting closer. Are we going to be surrounded by a swirling ground of doom, but the center is a sink hole? The circular movement reaches the house. The frame of the house moves in the circular away from the foundation. We're able to barely make it out the front door to watch the frame shift and kind of tilt off the foundation. The movement has stopped. It was like a weird earthquake. There's noise from somewhere, saying something about aliens. We carefully and trying to move quickly as there is a sense of haste, to gather some items to carry with us. Us. Me, my husband, and my baby. We've got to get as much as the baby's things as possible. I have Dad on the phone. He's saying "they" knew about this but didn't warn anyone. The phone signal cuts him off as he tried to tell me to call Mom. No signal. Looks like the weird weather got to the cell towers, too. We've been picked up by a shelter. It's a tall building that somehow survived the first "wave". My baby has been taken to the nursery as we were gathered into a large room with long tables and chairs. A lot of people chattering there. I open my phone, signal. I quickly text my mother of what happened. I hit send before signal is lost. I need to get my baby. I gather my backpack and tighten my sweater knot around my waste. Once at the nursery, I can't find him. All of these babies look like him. I'm panicking. I back up and look at the names on each plaque. I have to find him. My husband finds him, in the far corner with a sheet over his plaque and crib. Something about a weird disease is scribbled with a warning on his plaque. I hold him close and attempt to get him situated in his carrier. Careful not to…Careful don't do… these strange warnings that do not make sense. We make it out the loading dock of the building. A weird machine sits next to the door with flashy lights. A man is standing on the far side closest to the outside. The second wave is coming. A women from a foreign country has already experienced it. The building is going to tilt and spin, anti-gravity feels. It begins. The building feels like it is spinning sideways. We're trying to keep up with whatever side is "up". Then it's over. The outside as shifted to a different side then before. The machine reads "EMERGY". The man explains that another wave is expected. It's going to get cold. As we're fumbling around, trying to put on coats and sweaters, someone tries to steal our backpacks. My husband drops and breaks his phone. We move to the warmest possible spot, where the babies have been moved to. A lady told us new couples are not allowed here, we must move. The cold is getting closer. We leave the room, and see the guy that was outside. I motions to use that we must go back in side. Looking distressed at our baby. I wake up.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Sharing Dreams 1

In my dream I am not who I am in the real world. At the beginning, I was just watching. I think it was a trailer to a tv series that's on prime, night sky, but a little different. A girl was using the machine to bring her grandfather a special meal. Outside in my time & space we lived in a dying world. An elder was telling us about a task we would eventually have to complete in order to leave this place. The corrupted guardian cannot be killed, but must be immobilized in order for us to leave. This task was to be completed in the future. He took us outside where there was a tornado like wind, this was something that occurred like clockwork through the day and only in one spot to throw things around. At the present the guardian wasn't yet fully corrupted, but often would kill people by throwing them over. I know this to be true but didn't know where this "over" was. The elder led us outside to a few places outside our compound. We were led to an area to be shown how to defeat the guardian. With a sword to its heart after swiping at its legs. After this I felt like I was viewing the world through a bird's eye view. I saw that the compound was in a bubble. I also a green field in the distance, another but darker green area before that, and then we were walking through an area of moving darkness. The darkness would come at us but only to surround and move around us. Back through my eyes I see the darkness is consuming a moving light. At closer inspection it was plants. The elder mentioned that it was a natural occurrence that had become fiercer. Saying we could redirect the darkness from the light so the light could flourish, but the darkest was too abundant to do so. We moved to the darker green area, much like a swamp. He pointed out some slimy green crystals growing along some water cause the water to look a little green but with yellow spots hovering above. There were a few creatures living in this water, but too blurry to see. The elder crossed a wood board towards the green field. I noticed it was chained off and has a huge crane like machine above. The field look like corn maybe but was sectioned off into many areas with water running in between. In front of the fence was a mote of water, green in color. The elder said to never drink it if we ever in countered it. This was because the dark truth of this place. That water was the run off of the type of fertilizer used on this crop. Dead humans. My mind raced with questions and the feelings that I knew the answers: "isn't the field our food source? Yes. Is the guardian killing people to supply the fertilizer? Yea, most likely." Just then the crane started up and began spraying the crops, but not just what was beyond the fence. It was coming toward us! We had turned and began to run, faster and faster as the spray hit our backs. That's when I saw the face of the other person with me, she was ghostly white & smiling as she ran faster. (I don't know her in my waking life). We made it back as the tornado was finishing its job. Then the baby woke me up.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Things that bother me

In no particular order of severity, here are a few things that bother me.

1. Dreams where someone is calling for you and it sounds like it's coming not from the dream but real life. You wake up & response, but there's no one there really calling for you.

2. Dreams that feel super real. So real that when you finally push yourself awake, you are disoriented, and exhausted.

To be continued....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Old Record

Everything is silent and still except for a record that continues to play through the still nights and days playing a song of sorrow and happiness.
The ocean's waves move back and forth, but no sound emits from the crashes, just a soft song playing from the old record.
The wind's rustling breeze no long plays a song of leaves, but instead an old record sings a song of sorrow and happiness.
There is no one, no thing, everything has disappeared; except for this old record playing it's song of sorrow and happiness.
Think back now my children.
Think back when there was nothing but this record singing its song.
Can you hear it?
How sweet it sings! So soft to the ears!
Its soft melody plays with our senses!
Can you feel it my children?
The way it makes your heart cry, but then yells from happiness!
Feel the power it gives you!
Dance now children!
Dance softly now.
Now sit my children, and listen to my story I will tell you.
This story began after the record stopped playing.
This story will end after I tell you how it began to play again.
Listen children to my words carefully.
Close your eyes and imagine my words fly through space.
Look carefully at the pictures I will remodel of the record that sings softly of sorrow and happiness.

Paper Writing Frustrations

The stupidity of writing long sentences just to look smarter. The best sentences are short and strong. “Jack got up and walked away.” Simple and sweet sentences are the best way to write; Straight to the point and no exaggeration. Why must we learn to exaggerate our opinions? It isn't ignorant to speak or write with straight to the point words and sentences. When things are too detailed they lose their purpose. There is only so much one can say about the color white before a reader or listener will lose interest and either fall asleep or walk away. What happened to reading between the lines when everything seems to be simply spelled out with so many words? There are so many people that use improper fillers to fill in the so called “empty space” in a paper or report.  I want to look at a bush and see the bush not what is around the bush. But with some of these papers and reports we have to write seem to want us to explain the bush while describing everything it isn't. I want to know what it is, not what it’s not. Who made the rules and regulations of how a proper paper should look and sound like? With so many rules, how can one think outside the box? There seems to be so much rules and limits that when we try to freelance we can’t because we have been told that a proper paper and such should look and sound like “this”; so our brain struggles with feeling free and limitations. It’s like growing up always being told and taught that we can’t go outside when it rains; so we become scared and unsure about the outside world and are stuck inside during the rainy seasons. We aren't free to do what we want to do: experiment. I was a pretty good fictional writer when I was in high school, but when I enrolled in an English course in college I had lost my feeling of words on paper. I have a hard time being able to write as freely as I used to. In the course I was criticized badly for the way I organized and wrote my papers. I got scared and concerned that every sentence I wrote either weren't long enough or good enough to be in the paper. The professor wanted the sentences to have “strong” words and perfect punctuation. Not to mention the paragraphs all had to be a certain length. But there is only so much one can write on certain topic sentence. A lot of topic sentences are small to themselves; or simple enough to give all the information about what needs to be said. The way things should flow isn't always what happens in life. I don’t think it’s proper to make everything so “perfect” in the way of organization. When the earth was made, did someone come up with a plan and say “OK, first we’re going to make this and then this.”? I don’t think they did; I think it happened either all at once or in random events. We put things into organization because we don’t understand them when they are in the natural state of non-organization-ness. I understand that without organization we would have chaos. But interesting enough, we still have chaos, just organized chaos?.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Interesting ideas

Reading from a translated source is better than watching from an interpretted source.

"Don't let your feelings determine your actions. Let your actions determine your feelings!" ~gerrald1234, KaW

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The World

She laid there wondering why. Why had he gone and left her behind? Why did he just leave without saying a word, or a note? How come he laid down and went to the "world" without her? She had been pondering this event for a quite a few moments now, and yet still pondering it.
It was 4 hours before she finally passed out from thought exhaustion. Dreamless. She did not enter the world tonight, for she had exhausted her mind. When morning came her husband was lying there next to her with his big green eyes staring down at her. She blinked a few times to bring everything into focus. "I'm sorry," was his response when she glared at him. "Why do you do that? More like how?," she asked him. "I don't know. I'm just comfortable around you…?"
With that answer she decided to leave the questioning him alone. It was true, he was very comfortable around her. Ever since they met, he's been able to just simply relax and be himself.
It was a few months after they met that they learned about the world. Best adventure when you're with someone. She wondered what it was like when he went in alone without her and didn't appear later. She tried asking him once, but he never could explain it. "It was different, a little confusing and lonely," he had once said.
Without him though she couldn't get into the world. No matter how hard she tried to get in, she always had dreamless sleeps that had her feel awful during the waking hours of the day.
But the times together were amazing! The colors of the world were so vibrant it made the waking world seem so dreamlike. Anything and everything wonderful that could happen, could and would happen.
There was one time they went in together, they ventured out towards the other "lands" that they found out there. So many different people out there. There was a man with a large hat that could turn into a ship. There was a flower lady that her flowers could change colors depending on the holders mood, so you didn't know what color you would get until you held on to it. The wife was wonderfully amazed by this and wanted to buy one. When she grasped the flower the flower changed from a lukewarm yellow to a vibrant royal purple. Wonderful color! Everyone that was there stared in amazement. That was one grand event in the world.

But here she was stuck not being able to get in anymore. Just because her husband would fall asleep first. What was so special about him?